The Righteous Fury reported a presence on its long-range surveyors and launched its fighters and bombers to intercept. Justus Dominus - The Justus Dominus was accompanying fourteen transports alongside the Devastation-class Cruiser Righteous Fury and six escorts in the 37th Millennium, during the Mordian Incident.Those still in service, however, remain formidable ships of the line with the ability to defeat any enemy on the field of battle. Unfortunately, despite its impressive combat record, the Oberon has become exceedingly rare after it was phased out by the Imperial Navy in favour of the Emperor-class. This self-sufficiency is further enhanced by advanced augur sensor systems that give the Oberon the ability to detect enemies before they are aware of its presence. This diverse armament gives the Oberon the ability to deal with any threat, and therefore not need the usual squadron of escorts to protect it. While lacking the swarming attack craft of its successor or the raw firepower of the Retribution- or Apocalypse-class Battleships, the Oberon is able to deliver a mixed assault of attack craft, torpedoes, and lance and weapons battery fire that more specialized battleships cannot. The Imperial Navy's Oberon-class Battleship is a well-rounded early variant of the Emperor-class Battleship that was designed to perform a variety of roles.