Buying local product is a good way to save some coin. This menu are strictly adhered to, as they do need to keep costs down. Innkeepers serve food based off of a regional menu. There will be an occasional, though very slight, chance for rare items to be in stock, though you will need to have played the game for some time before you can actually see them (for the sake of balance). Blacksmiths sell weapons and armor based on what is available to them in their specific region. Rare ingredients will have a chance to be stocked by any city-dwelling alchemist, but that chance is lower and you won't find as many available. Alchemy shops stock regional ingredients much more often and in much higher quantities along with some ingredients that are imported from other areas of Skyrim, though these will not always be available and stocks will not be guaranteed. They will instead be geared towards selling food, books, clothing (why do none of the merchants in this game sell clothes?!), jewelry, and odds and ends. General merchants will no longer be a one-stop shop for all your adventuring needs. All merchants have been given some more gold so to make it a less tedious process to offload your dungeon spoils. Why? Shouldn't cities in this game have some form of variation in what they sell? You know, to add a bit of character? I'm sure everyone has run into this one at some point and been a bit annoyed by it: every merchant takes their products for sale from the same generic loot pools meaning that after factoring out random variation, every merchant in this game has exactly the same stocks.